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Clearing the Old Paradigm Sessions

Auric Field Integrity

This session is to assist you to clear, heal, repair, recalibrate, expand, activate, seal and shield the aura, auric sheath and other energy fields around the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies and all energetic centers and systems.


Claiming, Embracing and Healing Your Shadow

This program rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints around your shadow.


Clearing Communication Pathways

This session helps you to release less-than-love energies and frequencies that come from technologies like television, internet, email, telephone, cell phone, etc. It also cloaks your communications on all levels.


Clearing Control, Attachments, Expectations and Agendas

This profile helps you to release less-than-love energies associated with being in control and being controlled, attachments, expectations and agendas.


Clearing Covenants, Contracts, Vows, Oaths and Promises

Helps you to release covenants, contracts, vows, oaths and promises that no longer serve your highest good. Also clears any energy cords you may have to these things.


Clearing Dark Influences

Helps you to release less-than-love energies associated with cultural influences (media, books, movies, etc.), religions and cults, and dark influences from magical systems.


Clearing Energy Interference Patterns

Helps you to release less-than-love energies from government and alien intervention on this planet. A lot of it is genetically encoded as well.


Clearing Environmental Toxins and Pollution

This program rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release the impact of exposure to environmental toxins and pollution from your consciousness.


Clearing Karma and Karmic Contracts

Helps you to release karma, karmic contracts, karmic agenda and karmic hooks and cords at the deepest level possible.


Clearing Limitation Profiles from the Energetic Systems

Helps you to release less-than-love energies that are usually hidden from your vision by blind spots, glass ceilings of limitation, illusions, blinders, veils, etc. Helps you to release limitation on a very deep level and to see your life and patterns more clearly.


Clearing Magnetic, Electro-Magnetic, Solar, Galactic, Universal and Astrological Influences Helps you to release less-than-love energies originating from astrological imprints, distorted magnetic and electro-magnetic energy fields, solar flares and less than love energies from the galaxy and universe. Also protects your home and car from these disruptive influences.


Clearing Profiles of Abandonment, Loneliness and Separation

Helps you to release less-than love energies associated with feeling abandoned, isolated, misfit, alien, different, not at home, not belonging and not fitting in.


Clearing the GOD Self Shadow

Helps to clear the shadow side that operates at the GOD Self level.

Clearing Victimisation, Drama and Processing

Helps you to release less-than-love energies associated with the duality consciousness games around rescuer/victim, drama and processing.  Helps you to maintain neutrality and be firm in your own center and power in the midst of drama.


Clearing Your Dreams

This program rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints around your dreams and also works to clear any less-than-love vibrations you encounter while you are doing service work at night while you are sleeping or doing astral cycle. It also blocks the creation of less-than-love scenarios from your dreams or nightmares.


Clearing Your Family Relationships

Helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your family relationships. Provides angelic support to help you to remain neutral and to be who you are even when you are with your family. Helps you to clear and release dysfunctional and toxic family relationship patterning. Brings in divine ideal for family relationships and for communications.


Clearing Your Food and Drink

This program rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints around anything that is ingested, digested or enters the bloodstream. Enhances the nutrition of all food, clears out toxins and artificial preservatives, clears duality consciousness beliefs around food and drink and helps imprint all food with the vibration of the Food of Love, Life and Light.


Clearing Your Friend Relationships

This profile helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your friendships. It clears out a lot of the boxes and rules based in mass consciousness about friendships and helps bring friendships into alignment with the divine ideal for friendships.


Clearing Your Intimate Relationships

This profile helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your intimate relationships. Helps both people who are working on attracting an intimate relationship and people who are trying to improve an existing intimate relationship. Please note, however, that if the relationship you have is not aligned with your highest good, it may shift and the person may leave your life. Helps people to establish the divine ideal union.


Clearing Your Relationship with Self/Body

This advanced profile helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your personal relationship with yourself and the way you view your body and health. It also clears away a lot of the subconscious programming that you absorbed while the host body was a fetus. Helps you to bring in and anchor the divine ideal templates for self-love, self-esteem, self-acceptance, body image.


Clearing Your Sex Life

This profile helps you to clear old energy patterns, templates and blueprints around your sexual encounters, sexual history and fantasies/dreams. Helps you to purify how you express your sexuality and align it to the divine ideal for human sexuality in the fifth and higher dimensions.


Clearing Your Sleep Patterns

This profile rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints around sleep. Helps restore the zeta brain wave for sleeping which is the sleep cycle promoting rejuvenation.


Clearing Your Work Relationships

This session helps you to release the slow and dense energy associated with your work relationships. It also helps you to operate from divine neutrality at work and to be who you are in your working hours. It also brings in templates for the divine ideal of work. Please note if your work environment is way out of alignment with the divine ideal, you may need to find something that is more aligned. This happens all the time to people who study cutting edge healing modalities.


Divine Ideal Conception, Gestation and Birthing

The divine ideal conception, gestation and birthing process will not only ensure that you were conceived in love but it will also remove from your consciousness every fear, concern and less-than-love-and-light thought or word that crossed into you from the environment outside the womb. It all begins in the moment of conception when the energy vibration of the egg and sperm is purified and raised to the highest possible level. For people who are on mastery paths in this incarnation, the egg and sperm will be raised to the crystalline vibration. It is like you are born in the womb of the Divine Mother. The energy field of God and Divine Mother will surround you in a cocoon of love and light and throughout the entire gestation and birthing process, you will be in a state of complete tranquility.


Healing Your Inner Child and Wounded Child

The combination of the Divine Conception, Gestation and Birthing and the Healing Your Inner Child and Wounded Child sessions helps you to create a strong foundation of lifelong stability and well-being. This powerful session has the potential to transform your life to one of more balance, harmony and serenity by rescripting the past to reflect a new reality where your inner child was nurtured and supported throughout your entire life. The wounded child is healed as well in this powerful session. When we experience a traumatic event in childhood, part of our self gets splintered and fragmented. In order to experience wholeness and to ground your spiritual energy into your body, you need to acknowledge, clear, heal and embrace your wounded child as well.

Perfected Words Profile

This powerful session rolls back to conception and sweeps throughout your life clearing any creation energy around less-than-love words, thoughts, dreams, images from media, etc. so that you do not manifest things that are not aligned with your highest good. Also goes after and clears profiles and programming that generate the less-than-love thoughts, dreams, words, etc.- Releasing and Rescripting Cords: There are many ways that people, places, and energies of all sorts can become corded into your energy fields. This session not only helps you to release cords that are not aligned to your highest good but also helps to shield your from cords being reattached as well pulling and rescripting to the fullest extent possible all programs, profiles, genetics, contracts, allowances, permissions, covenants, entities, implants that are energetically anchoring and reinforcing cords. Some of the most common cords are cords are solar plexus cords, harm cords, pity/empathy cords, sexual cords, entity cords, attachment cords, implant cords, cords to less than love places and frequencies; dream cords, fantasy cords, etc. People who order this session can use the trigger words "Cords" and "Release Cords" to release cords.


Releasing and Rescripting Your Past

This powerful profile rolls back to conception and sweeps throughout your life clearing anything and everything that is no aligned with the divine ideal. It clears out an amazing amount of stuff. I was stunned when I ran this for myself and tuned into what was going on energetically.


Web Site Clearing, Shielding and Maintenance Program

This profile helps clear any less than love energies from your web sites and to shield them from interference.  Trigger word is "Run Web Site Maintenance Program" once you have ordered this session.

Clearing Alternate/Parallel Reality Bleed-Through


Clearing the Pain Body


Violet Flame Clearing for Quantum Fields


Clearing the Punisher Self

This Profile clears out the effects of the punisher self that people create in order to punish themselves and to compensate for any wrong doings that they perceived themselves as making.


Removing Blocks to Receiving Physical Healing/Healing Myself


Removing Blocks to Working with Others to Assist their Physical Healing


General Clearing Profile


General Clearing and Balancing


Blasting Emotional Neediness

Trigger words are "Blast Emotional Neediness" once you have ordered this session

Clearing Blocks to Intimacy


Clearing the Energetic Spaces

• Ruby Red Ray

• Emerald Green Ray

• Cobalt Blue Ray

• Violet/Gold Flame

• Platinum Ray

• Rainbow Ray

• Ultraviolet Ray

• Angelic Councils of Light

• Elohim Councils of Light

• Holy Spirit Shekinah

• Throne of GOD

*Each one of the Clearing the Energetic Spaces are a separate session


Choose one or more of the Clearing the Old Paradigm sessions for $11.00 AUD each.

Type in the box below which one you would like to receive or when you get directed to PayPal after payment you can add the session name you would like to receive in the instruction. If purchasing more than 1, add to cart and change the quantity to as many

as you would like on the PayPal page.


Energy Exchange: $11.00 each session


© 2024 by Om-Ra Kitto

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