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Enlightenment Activations

Align with GOD: This session helps you to align with God/Creator. The trigger word for this after ordering this session is "I now align with GOD" and used whenever you need to.

Antahkarana Activation: An activation from GOD to help you to build the rainbow bridge of light to connect your personality with your soul.

Ascension Healing Profile/Profile Purge: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear out any programs or profiles that is blocking your ascension and to upgrade the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies to help support your physical ascension process within a physical body.

Christ Consciousness Codes: This session is a powerful transmission of the Codes for Christ Consciousness from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of Christ Consciousness. Energetically rewires your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Central Channel Clearing: Clears the Central channel that runs down the center of the body from around six inches above the crown to six inches below your feet. All of the chakras are connected to the central channel. Once you have ordered this session the trigger words for this session are - “Clear Central Channel” once you have ordered this session.

Clearing Blocks to Expressing God

Clearing Blueprints, Maps and Imprints of Sacrifice

Clearing the Seals: This session helps you to clear the seals on each of your chakras so that you can access deeper levels of each energy center and chambers that resonate with the vibration of Christ Consciousness and unconditional love.

Clearing and Enhancing Psychic Gifts: This session helps you to bring in, awaken and activate the psychic gifts and abilities that are aligned with your mastery path and the plan you made with GOD prior to incarnation.

Clearing the Empathy Pain Collector Disk: heals and clears the empathy pain collector or disk that sits in the energy field to absorb and transmute planetary human pain and suffering. Trigger word is “Clear EPC” once you have ordered this session.

Clearing Your Genome: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release DNA, RNA and ENA (emotional level of DNA) genetic coding, patterns and predispositions that are no aligned with the divine ideal for your specific genome.

Clearing Your Life Path: Helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your life path, soul purpose, divine plan, contracts with Spirit for this lifetime. Helps you to understand to the fullest extent possible the truth of who you are and what you came here to do.

Clearing Your Over-Soul: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear heal and release old less-than-love programs from your oversoul.

Clearing Your Monad: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release old less-than-love programs from the consciousness of your monad. Very powerful session intended for people on a strong mastery path in this lifetime. (Prerequisite: Clearing Your Over-Soul).


Clearing Your Relationship with Spirit: Helps you to release slow and dense energy associated with your relationship with Spirit. Heals the illusion of separation from Spirit, being mad at God, brokenness from feeling separated from Source. Helps to establish your divine ideal relationship with Spirit.

Creator Crown and Scepter Activation and Initiation: Empowerment Activation from GOD to assist each being to step into full empowerment so that they may fulfill the path and plan they made with GOD prior to incarnation.

Creator Love Sheathe and Plating: Rolls back to conception and places a fast moving, electrical sheathe or plating of unconditional love from the Heart of GOD around all energetic systems of each sentient being. When dense, heavy, slow, stuck and less-than-love energies try to enter the energetic systems, much of this energy will be transmuted by the love sheathe and the less-than-love energies that do get through will be broken up, fragmented and much, much diluted. Divine dispensation of grace from GOD to humanity at this time.

Creator's Brain Expansion Activation: As you expand and grow and move deeper into your mastery path, your brain expands as well and becomes attuned to the mastermind frequency and the Mind of GOD. This session is a powerful transmission from GOD that assists you in expanding your brain capacity and abilities as you evolve and raise your vibration.

Defragging and Recalibrating the Four Lower Bodies: Much of the last fifteen years of my life has been about clearing out old energies and stuck energies and slow energies from my physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. But over time what this work does is that spaces develop because when stuff is cleared out and re-scripted, it is not always put together in the most efficient way. This session empowers your God Self to streamline and reorganize your four lower bodies as well as to do so periodically in the future whenever it is required for optimal well-being and functioning of the four lower bodies.

Divine Balance, Neutrality, Inner Peace and Serenity Filter/Beacon: This session helps you to stay in a state of divine balance, neutrality, inner peace and serenity at all times. It filters out internal and external thoughts and experiences that may pull one out of divine balance and radiates the trait of inner peace to others.

Divine Child: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release old less-than-love programming from your family of origin. The past is re-scripted to reflect the ideal childhood you would need to obtain mastery at the earliest possible age. Includes lots of programs to assist with inner child healing and development as well.

Divine Father Universal Light Expansion: Activation from the Divine Father to bring in the Universal Light to assist people on paths of cosmic ascension. Highly recommended to take the Divine Mother Heart Expansion at the same time as this one.

Divine Ideal Axiatonal Alignment: This session helps you to always stay aligned with the love and light energy fields and grids of earth, the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy and our universe. As the energies are upgraded, you are upgraded as well.

Divine Love Wash: Session from angelic realms that bathes the energetic systems and quantum fields and particles with unconditional love every time you say or think the trigger word “Love Wash” after you have ordered this session.

Divine Mother Heart Expansion: Heart activation from the Divine Mother to assist beings to open their heart and to deepen their compassion, devotion and oneness to Source. Highly recommended to take the Divine Father Universal Light Expansion at the same time as this one.

Downloading Sacred Codes and Geometries: This session is a transmission from GOD to you of the sacred codes and geometries that you need as part of your mastery path in this lifetime. When you do this session, it downloads all of the possible codes and geometries to your God Self that you could possibly require. The codes and geometries will not download for a person immediately, they will download over time as the person evolves.

Embodying Your God-Self: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release anything and everything that prevents you from embodying, anchoring and grounding spiritual energy from your God-Self into your physical, etheric, emotional and mental energy bodies, fields, parts and particles.

Embodying One’s Highest Potential

This session is to help you embody your highest potential.

Emotional Charge Rescripting: This session empowers GOD to roll back to the moment of conception and to infuse the energies of unconditional love and divine neutrality into each sentient being’s energetic systems as soon as they become emotionally charged around anything or anyone.

Emotional Sovereignty: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear, heal and release stuck emotions and negative emotional programming. Helps you to feel more positive about your life and to be more fluid emotionally.

Empowerment: This session is a powerful empowerment activation from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of empowerment by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Enhancing the Potential to Elevate Yourself

Enlightenment: This session is a powerful transmission of the energies of enlightenment from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of enlightenment. Energetically rewires your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Expanding and Enhancing One's Bandwidth with Spirit

Expanding the Potential to Elevate Yourself

Free Flow of Energy: This session scans your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) for blocked, stuck, stagnant or very slow energy and helps release these blockages so that your energy flows freely throughout your energetic systems.

Forgiveness Healing Profile: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints around forgiveness. Includes advanced clearing profiles from Buddha and an upgrade to your multidimensional heart from the Divine Mother.

Gates of Evolution: As you raise your love and light quotient and evolve on your path to mastery, you go through gateways of evolution where you are offered different contracts that will be of the highest good and the guidance and support you need to take advantage of these gates. Another very powerful session especially for people working on planetary ascension. The Stargates of Evolution session is aimed more toward people focusing on cosmic ascension.

God Rewiring and Recalibration of Energetic Systems and Spaces: The Rewiring and Recalibration of your Energetic Systems and Spaces will be facilitated in this session.

Golden Liquid Love of God Infusion: This powerful activation from God helps you to hold and anchor and radiate the golden liquid love of God. This activation helps people to embody the love of GOD and to heal and to restore their hearts back to the pristine, original, original blueprints of the Creator. Trigger word is “Liquid Love of God” after ordering this session.

Grace: This session is a powerful transmission of the energies of grace from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of grace by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Grounding Into the Divine Heart of Gaia: This session assists you in staying grounded at all times into the Heart of Gaia. Helps you to remain steady during these intense times of change and helps you to ascend by grounding you into the highest frequencies of earth energies.

Healing Fragmentation of the Heart and Soul: This session helps you to heal soul and heart fragmentation on many levels. Almost everyone holds soul and heart fragments in their energy fields that belongs to others and other people hold soul and heart fragments that belong to you. This session helps to accelerate this process and to heal the imbalances created by heart and soul fragmentation.

Heart Communication: This session helps you to communicate from the heart at all times.

Highest Vibration Rescripting: This session empowers GOD to scan each sentient being to identify the moment where their spiritual vibration was the highest and most loving and most beautiful and most aligned to divine truth in the eyes of GOD. And then GOD will take this level of vibration and rescript from conception the life of each sentient being to match this very highest vibration.

Holy Spirit Shekinah Baptism and Gifts Activation: A transmission from the Holy Spirit Shekinah to each sentient purifying their energetic system and awakening the gifts of the Holy Spirit within each being that are related to fulfilling the plan and contracts they made with GOD prior to incarnation.

Holy Spirit Shekinah Wisdom Expansion: An activation from the Holy Spirit Shekinah to help each person to embody wisdom from GOD at all levels of being as well as to balance the powerful love, compassion, light and power energies from the Divine Father and the Divine Mother.

Infinity: This session is a powerful transmission of the energies of infinity and unlimited possibilities and expansion from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of infinity by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Innocence and Purity: Transmission of the frequencies of innocence and purity from GOD to each sentient being. This activation contains blueprints, mappings, etc. to assist each sentient being to embody the divine attributes of innocence and purity.

Integrity Alignment: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to realign all of your thoughts, words and deeds with the energy of divine integrity.

Joy: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of joy from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of joy by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Kundalini Activation: As you grow spiritually the kundalini energy in the base of the spine begins to rise up to the crown chakra igniting the energy centers. Often this kundalini awakening can be very hard on the physical body and very ungentle. This session rescripts kundalini awakenings and activations throughout the lifetime to the divine ideal.

Lightness of Being: Helps each sentient being to lighten up and to become more lighthearted. Also contains blueprints, mappings, etc. to assist each sentient being to lighten up and to embody the spirit of lightheartedness.

Living in the NOW from the Heart: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints that prevents you from both living in the NOW as well as living from the multi-dimensional heart.

Living Magically: One of the guides I work with the most is the universal level of the Merlin energies. This great guide of mine is very interested about bringing forth a system of enlightenment through me on alchemical magic and mastery. This session is an introduction to alchemical magic.

Living with Passion: One of the keys to living and working with the new energy is living from passion. I am passionate about what I do and if what I do no longer feels passionate, I stop doing it. This session helps people not only to live with passion but to become more aware of what areas of their lives are not lived passionately so that you can bring more passion into every aspect of your life.

Love and Compassion: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of love and compassion from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of love and compassion by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate these divine attributes out to others.

Mary Magdalene DNA Upgrade: Helps each sentient being to bring the energy of Divine Love into the EMA or emotional layer of the DNA/RNA.

Medicine Buddha Activation and Initiation: A download of powerful healing frequencies from Buddha and many other high level ascended masters who work a lot with healing modalities. Many of these healing frequencies support accelerated, powerful self-healing.

Melchizedek Recalibration Sequences and Resequences: A brain activation from Melchizedek to assist people in opening new pathways in the brain and connecting to the Mind of GOD.

-Merging with the True Essence of GOD: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to clear old less-than-love energy patterns, templates and blueprints where your will diverged from God's will. Helps collapse the multiple parallel realities created when your will diverges from divine will.

Merlin Wand Activation and Initiation: Helps each sentient being to embody the energies and frequencies of White Magic.

Meta-File Release of Blocks: Helps you to release slow and dense energy and suppression energy patterns carried in the genetics and from past lives, alien genetic stuff, etc. Clears mind locks and governors. Very powerful session since it clears out a lot of deeply imbedded huge suppression energies that are hard to get to from other modalities.

Metatron Brain Expansion: In this session, Archangel Metatron brings the gifts of illumination in the form of sacred geometry containing knowledge. Metatron anchors and activates a matrix for brain expansion, aligning the mind to the universal mind to bring that knowledge forward for service work. Archangel Raziel then comes forward to provide the keys to understanding the knowledge with the provision that one must first exercise the right use of power to unlock these gifts. His keys remove mind locks and governors that block the higher mind expansion and clears self-sabotage.

Metatron Recalibration Sequences and Resequences: An activation from Metatron which helps prepare and upgrade the physical body for ascension.

Oneness: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of oneness from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of oneness by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Opening, Clearing, Healing and Activating Your Holographic Mind: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to open, clear, heal and activate your holographic mind.

Opening, Clearing, Healing and Activating Your Multi-Dimensional Heart: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to open, clear, heal and activate your multi-dimensional heart.

Perfected Words Profile: Rolls back to conception and sweeps throughout your life clearing any creation energy around less-than-love words, thoughts, dreams, images from media, etc. so that you do not manifest things that are not aligned with your highest good. Also goes after and clears profiles and programming that generate the less-than-love thoughts, dreams, words, etc.

Perfecting Your Emotional Body: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to re-script your past to bring in and anchor the perfected blueprints and templates for the emotional body.

Perfecting Your Mental Body: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to re-script your past to bring in and anchor the perfected blueprints and templates for the mental body.

Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Clarity Filter/Beacon: This session helps you to stay in a state of clarity at all times. It filters out internal and external thoughts and experiences that may pull one out of clarity and radiates this trait to others.

Positive Mental Attitude: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life helping you to maintain mental fluidity and a positive mental attitude at all times.

Quan Yin Mercy and Compassion Boost: A transmission from Quan Yin to help each sentient being to embody more compassion and mercy.

Recalibration of Words: Some words weaken us and some words strengthen us energetically. Even words in other language or from other civilizations can weaken us energetically. This session recalibrates each being’s consciousness so that they are energetically strong to all words in all languages in all dictionaries on this planet and universe.

Receiving Your Crystalline/Ultra-Violet Body of Light: This profile is an important upgrade to receive the crystalline or ultra-violet body of light. An important step in the process of ascending with a body.

Releasing and Rescripting Manipulation: Very few things I have found lower one’s love and light quotient and overall spiritual vibration than manipulating others – even if the manipulation is done to “help” the person. This is one reason why I am so insistent that when people order sessions for others that they get the other person’s permission and consent first. This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through the lifetime releasing and rescripting to the fullest extent possible incidents of manipulation. prepare and upgrade the physical body for ascension.

Releasing Emotional Armoring: Transmission from the Divine Mother to help each sentient being to remove armoring around the heart as well as walls around the heart.

Removing Blocks to Seeing Possibilities

Removing Blocks to expressing GOD

Renewal: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of renewal from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of renewal by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Rescripting All Energy Work for the Entire Lifetime: Most people who are on enlightenment paths are healers, teachers and leaders. Many of these folks have been drawn to alternative and traditional healing modalities to clear themselves so that they can assist humanity and the planet to evolve and ascend. Unfortunately many healing modalities were brought in via the matrix on earth and a tad off energetically from the divine ideal. This session helps people to rescript all energy work that they have received over their lifetime to the divine ideal, free of matrix programming and profiling.

Resurrection: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of resurrection from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of resurrection by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Sacred Sexuality: After you clear the less pure frequencies around human sexuality with other sessions (Clearing Your Sex Life, Lust, Jealousy and Possessiveness Profile Purge, Sexual Addictions Healing Profile, etc.), then you are able to bring in the new blueprints and mapping for sacred sexuality.

Sacred Work, Work Product and Client Files Protection, Shielding and Cloaking: This session helps you to shield and cloak all of your sacred service work and work product from any less-than-love energies. Also, it will be offered to the god selves of your clients to encompass any information that they have given to you as well. An important session for most spiritual healers, teachers and leaders on the planet at this time.

Saint Germain Upgrade: Aligns your personal power and manifestations with the highest principles of divine truth so whatever you create is aligned with divine will and divine timing.

Seeing through the Eyes of God

Solar Activation, Initiation and Recalibration: With the intense solar flares over the last few years, a lot of people are actually drained energetically from exposure to the sun. This solar activation, initiation and recalibration helps people to harmonize with the energies of the sun in a balanced manner. It assists one in beginning the process of using light to energize the physical body rather than food. Helps promote immortality, vitality and physical well-being.

Sovereignty: This session helps enable you to be sovereign in your energy fields and the master of your realm. This transmission of sovereignty from GOD assists you to become sovereign by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Star Gates of Evolution: As you raise your love and light quotient and evolve on your path to mastery, you go through gateways of evolution where you are offered different contracts that will be of the highest good and the guidance and support you need to take advantage of these gates. This session was developed primarily for people working on cosmic ascension. The Gates of Evolution session is aimed more toward people focusing on planetary ascension.

Surrender: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of surrender from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of surrender by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Synchronicity: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of synchronicity from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of synchronicity by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Third Eye Activation: This session helps you to open, clear, activate and awaken your third eye. There are an infinite number of third eyes that become activated as your light and love quotient increase but for most people who select this session, the focus will be on opening the first six. My personal experience was that I was at four before this session and after I am operating from six levels.

Tools for Enhancing Personal Relationships: This session provides you with a set of tools from the fifth dimension that helps you to create and enjoy fulfilling personal relationships with everyone around you.

Transcending Duality Matrix Consciousness and Behavior: This session assists you to release a lot of duality and mass consciousness programming and profiles from the matrix-like energy fields and grids around Earth.

Transcending Judgment and Criticism: This session helps you to clear patterns, profiles and programming that promotes judging, being judged, criticizing and being critical.

Transformation: This session is a powerful transmission of the frequency of transformation from GOD. This assists you to physically embody the frequencies of transformation by energetically rewiring your four lower bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) so that you can hold and radiate this divine attribute out to others.

Transforming Your Energy System: This session institutes a clearing and healing for all of your energy bodies, energy centers, energy channels, nadis, parts and particles. Helps to upgrade your energy fields for physical ascension.

Transparency Shielding and Rescripting: This profile will roll back to conception and rescript each sentient being’s life so that they are largely transparent energetically to the dense, slow, heavy, stuck and less-than-love energies and frequencies prevalent on this planet.

Tree of Life Activation and Clearing: An essential element of the Jewish esoteric tradition called Kaballah is work around the tree of life. There are a number of centers in the etheric body that are cleared and activated in this session. I sense that there are many, many levels of trees of life and that many of them are impacted by this session depending on your evolution.

Unconditional Love and Compassion Filter/Beacon: This session helps you to stay in a state of unconditional love and compassion at all times. It filters out internal and external thoughts and experiences that may pull one out of unconditional love and compassion and radiates these traits to others.

Universal Christos Activation and Initiation: A realignment and recalibration of each being’s energetic systems and consciousness with the energies of the Universal Christ.

Universal Michael Excalibur Activation and Initiation: In this powerful session, Michael installs the sword of Excalibur into the being’s energetic systems which provides a powerful protection for the individual from the adversary of light.

Upgrading Your Ka Templates, Centers and Chambers: This session works with the Ka energy wiring and circuitry. There are a series of Ka templates and centers and channels and even chambers that are needed to activate to establish the electrical circuitry for the higher dimension light bodies. The Egyptian mystery schools worked a lot with Ka frequencies.

Veil and Filter Purge: This session rolls back to conception and sweeps through your life clearing veils, filters, profiles and programs that distort your ability to see clearly through the eyes of your soul.



The Enlightenment Activations are facilitated distantly, all you need to do after payment is email me your full name and birthdate and I will transmit the session to you distantly within 2 business days.

The energy exchange for each session is $15.00 AUD

If you would like to receive more than one Enlightenment Activation Session, click on the Add to Cart below and when you are taken to the PayPal Page you can change from 1 to however many you would like to receive. If it's only 1 Enlightenment Activation you would like to receive, type in the box below which session you would like to receive.

© 2024 by Om-Ra Kitto

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