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Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

In order to move firmly into the Heart Paradigm and build a new foundation there, each of us must untangle ourselves from the mental/mind paradigm and unplug from the third dimensional matrix and web of mass/duality consciousness. Each set of these powerful mastery activations help liberate light-workers, healers and starseeds from being tied into the prevailing mass/duality consciousness of humanity so that they can get their world service work out into the world.


All of these are performed distantly.


A lot of people are held to the mental paradigm or the paradigm of the mind because they are still plugged into the matrix and vice versa. The 3D matrix and the mental paradigm are a very strong combination and they both hold humanity back from moving into the heart paradigm. It is important for people to heal both areas in order to ground solidly in the heart paradigm.

You receive a transmission of the energies for each set of all the levels of activation where you receive what is aligned for your highest good at that time. This activation is time released so that as you grow and evolve and as the planet does as well, you will be constantly upgraded by your soul with new energies from these Unplugging from the 3D Matrix and Healing the Mental/Mind Paradigm mastery activations.

The Transmissions are facilitated to your Higher-Self who downloads them for you. There is no Etheric Surgery facilitated i.e. clearing of entities, negative extraterrestrial implants or any Shamanic Multidimensional work with these sessions, what you receive is described under the heading of each of the transmissions.

All you need to do is email me your full name and birthdate after payment, thank you. I will facilitate the transmission for you 2 business days after your payment.

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part I and

Healing the Mental Paradigm Part 1

Energy Exchange is $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Part 2

Each person will feel this level of unplugging differently, within this activation lies initial clearing of eons of illusions.


Prerequisite is receiving Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 1


Energy Exchange: $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Part 3


Unplugging from the 3D Matrix and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Level 3.

Prerequisite is receiving Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 2.


Energy Exchange: $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Part 4

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Level 4.

Prerequisite is receiving Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Level 3.

Energy Exchange: $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Part 5

Prerequisite Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 4

I brought through levels 5 and 6 on the 14th of January, 2009.


I experienced a deep clearing of illusions/fear, my electromagnetic body began rewiring. The etheric body began to upgrade. The divine ideal strands of the Heart DNA at this time begins Activation. A lot of clearing took place around my heart, this level is like an upgrade to connect more deeply with the 5th dimensional grid and the higher heart of illumination.


Healing the Mental/Mind Paradigm 5

Prerequisite is receiving Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 4.

I received deep healing of energetic fractures, firstly there were energetic fractures in my brain which began healing and spaces sealing then I saw that this went down my spine where the energetic fractures in my spine began healing and sealing, a scanning took place where more energetic fractures were being healed and sealed, I received that this will help so we do not experience intense psychic bleed throughs in the future and creates a strengthening of your energy field. The session ended with a deep purification and strengthening with liquid Gold, it was so beautiful, I almost fell asleep. There is so much more to these sessions then the psychic eye can see, as it was all happening very quickly. I felt very peaceful after this session.


Energy Exchange: $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Part 6

Prerequisite Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 5.

Ignites the heart flame and connects with the 5th dimensional grid. A lot of clearing of duality at a deeper level continues and will continue clearing whilst you sleep. This session is another upgrade on many levels, it allows for deeper wisdom of your heart of hearts to awaken in remembering more of your divinity and essence on many levels. This will begin to unfold more and more on your journey, a recognition of who you are so to speak.


Healing the Mental/Mind Paradigm Part 6

Prerequisite is receiving Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Part 5

I heard "Open your heart and Let it be your mind", I began feeling an expansion of my heart chakra. Crystals which have been there for a very long time which were blocking the deep heart expansion began deactivating and then removed. Then I saw crystals in my brain which were connected to the reptilian energy deactivating and then removed. It was intense for me as I could clearly hear and see the distortion as they were being deactivated and removed. I also experienced a resequencing of my chakras to connect with the 5th dimensional grid. I get with levels 5 and 6 it is for advancement at a deeper level and a deep clearing of less-than-love pockets lodged in the fields and systems.

Energy Exchange $144.00 AUD

Unplugging from the 3D Matrix

and Healing the Mental Mind Paradigm Package Parts 1-6

You will receive Unplugging from the 3D Matrix Parts 1 to 6 at

a discounted price as a package.


Email me after payment with your full name and birth date to transmit the sessions for you.


Energy Exchange $555.00 AUD

Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Part 7

Prerequisite Unplugging from the 3D Matrix and Healing the Mental/Mind Paradigm Part 6

"Dearly Beloveds I am Melchizedek, I come to you from the highest vibration of oneness to share with you the importance of connecting with planet earth. A lot of starseeds and lightworkers find it difficult to be in their physical bodies because their home planet's energies are higher in frequency then that of planet earth, so they tend to do a lot of clearing on their being neglecting their feet and their grounding cord beneath their feet. 

The grounding cord is important to plant their seeds of manifestation into the planet thus manifesting physically, what these sessions will do is target their feet and grounding cord and their ego and mental body to help in connecting with the light beneath the planet because truly this light beneath the planet is extraordinary, it will help you to feel at home." Melchizedek


When I asked what Subterranean level was I got that it is clearing beneath the feet, way down, when I received these sessions I saw a city of light beneath my feet which was revealed to me through clearing the veils that prevented me from seeing and connecting with the core light of the earth.


A Lot of fear was cleared in connection to being grounded in the physical body.


I also saw earth guardians who are magnificent and connected with them also. I received grounding codes, my grounding cord was upgraded and much more, some of you may have heard of Agartha the subterranean cities of light in the core of the earth, this is what you will be connecting to after this session.


I asked a gifted clairvoyant to share with me his experiences after receiving these sessions and this is what he received.


Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Level 1

"After I had the first level of the Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequence I clairvoyantly saw a city of light in the earth. There was a lot more white space around my grounding cord."


Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Level 2

"After the second level I could clairvoyantly see an unveiling of my attachments to the lower astral planes"


Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Level 3

"The third level was absolutely amazing! my attachments to the lower astral were cleared and I saw and felt very bright white light, it looked like lava come up through my grounding cord and purify my ego and energy system. The light from the earth was like intense bright white lava and liquid light."


Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Level 4

"The 4th level was very peaceful. All my chakras were connected to my gold grounding cord. A lot of integration took place in my 'computer files' in my body."

"Overall the Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery sequences have been a general breakthrough for me in being connected to the earth in a way that feels like home yet is very 'at one' with the higher realms of divine light. It's reassuring to feel and know that the higher realms of white light are not only above me, but also below me and all around me." Sam Kitto -Australia

After receiving this session you are automatically attuned to clearing your grounding cord all you need to say daily is "Clear Grounding Cord" and it is done.


Energy Exchange $144.00 AUD


Recalibration of the Subterranean level Part 8

Prerequisite Subterranean Level Clearing Mastery Sequences Part 7


Come back to self, disconnecting from the outer and connecting with the inner, coming back to self, rewiring to bring focus back to self, connecting with your inner being, uniting with your inner being connecting with the cities of light in the inner earth.

Energy Exchange $144.00 AUD


© 2024 by Om-Ra Kitto

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